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Frequently asked questions

1. I missed the deadline for abstract submission, can I still send an abstract ?

Unfortunately, we are too far along in development of the scientific program to accommodate additional submissions at this time. We had nearly 300 submissions from researchers across the world. It's unfortunate that you were not able to provide a submission by the deadline. But, we're hopeful you can join us as a participant and register for the symposium.

2. I registered via Oxford Abstracts, am I all set for the conference ?

Good question ! Because we transitioned to a virtual meeting, we are using X-CD for the conference. Make sure to register (create your account and pay registration fee) to access all the conference content, set up your profile and upload your presentation.

3. I'm so confused with the time difference, help !

No worries, we got you covered, go on this website for a quick time converter, the conference will be on Hawaii Standard Time (HST) which is UTC -10.

4. What is Spatial Chat and how do I get there ?

We are hoping to recreate some of the social aspects of the past BLS meetings and a portion of the conference, namely the socials will be held on Spatial Chat. We'll make announcements on the conference X-CD page when it's time to migrate to Spatial Chat.

5. How do I upload my presentation ?

You are full of great questions ! We are working on setting up tutorials. They will soon be available in the ABOUT section of this website.

6. Do I have to wear a Hawaiian shirt ?

While we will enforce any attire policy, we definitely appreciate a good Aloha shirt !

7. Who should I contact for registration issues ?

Please reach out to if you have any trouble with your registration payment.

8. Who should I contact for any other issue ?

Feel free to contact us at and we will try to assist you as soon as possible.

9. Why do I have to upload my presentation so early ?

Because of the format of BLS7, we have to ensure that all content is submitted early enough for the organizers to set-up channels, sessions and more importantly to check sound and image quality for each presentation. As a side note, time allocation for presentations will be strictly enforced !

10. Will there be any live events ?

Definitely! The Plenary sessions will be followed by a Q&A. Similarly, Featured Oral presentations will be organized in sessions that will be followed by a live Q&A. Our virtual Hawaiian field trips will likely be virtual but we will have opportunities to socialize via Space Chat.

11. Is it really always sunny in Hawaii ?

Well yes and no ! Honolulu has 271 days of sunshine a year with an average temperature of 25.5 degrees Celsius (78 degrees Fahrenheit). However, Mt Waialeale on Kauai is listed at the 5th wettest place on earth with 1,145.54 cm (451 in) of rain per year!


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