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Global Collaboration WEEK

October 11-15


Current Global Collaboration Week Events


GCW registered events (fill out form here to register)


Global patterns of energetic expenditure: how do behavioural-bioenergetics relationships link to life-history strategies across taxa?

Info: "How do behavioural-bioenergetics relationships link to life-history strategies across taxa? join @MariannaKimient and colleagues at the #BLS7 #GCW to discuss and collaborate on #accelerometer data, #validation, #energetic, #LH strategies. 

More info:

Organizers: Marianna Chimienti, Akiko Kato, Olivia Hicks, Tiphaine Jeanniard-du-Dot -

Meeting: Spatial chat - Tue Oct 12: 5-7pm UTC | Thu Oct 14: 5-7 am UTC


Fish geolocation with HMMs

Info: Are you using a hidden Markov model (#HMM) for fish geolocation? Join @JNielsenKMR and colleagues at #BLS7 #GCW to discuss nitty gritty aspects of working with HMMs. Learn from other researchers and share insights from your work.

Organizers: Julie Nielsen -

Meeting: Spatial chat - Wed Oct 13/Friday Oct 15 17:00-18:00 UTC


{crawl2} code sprint

Info: Do you model animal movement data and have worked with correlated random walks {crawl}? Want to share a feature request? Come work with @drdevijo @jomilo75 next week at the #BLS7 #GCW to build the next gen {crawl2} package. Visit and file an Issue. @BLS7hawaii

Organizers: Josh London, Devin Johnson -

Work forum: github (link opens up Monday 11th) - submit feature requests and contribute to code base online






The 7th Biologging Symposium will take place October 18-22, 2021 as a fully virtual conference. We are promoting the week leading up to the conference (11-15 October) as a Global Collaboration Week where society members from around the world convene online to work collaboratively to advance the biologging field in creative ways. We strongly encourage creativity, inclusiveness, and initiative to use this week as another opportunity to advance bio-logging and our ability to track the changing world around us.


We expect events to be mainly organized by society members around personal interests and goals - whether it is writing up collaborative papers, developing new software tools or brainstorming new technological developments to solve pressing issues, hosting online training sessions or incubator sessions, or other creative events that bring together society members. There are no restrictions on style, makeup, format, or organization of any proposed events except that participants and presenters must be registered for BLS7 and all must adhere to the BLS7 Code of Conduct


The BLS7 Organizing Committee will be active proponents and supporters of Global Collaboration Week events and will leverage the BLS7 virtual platform to support your events. Specifics are up to individual event organizers but may include:

  • Organizing Spatial Chat rooms for event organizers that need them

  • Advertising your event to gather interested global participants

  • Profiling Global Collaboration Week events on social media

  • Sharing outcomes and results of events during the BLS7 conference


To propose an event, organizers should fill out the following information:
BLS7 Global Collaboration Registration



Example Global Collaboration Week Events






Manuscript Sprint

Did you have a discussion with a colleague at BLS6 that started with ‘You know, we should write a paper on that …’? Have you? Well, if not, here’s your chance to make good on that conversation. Get a group of colleagues together, create a collaborative document, and get those ideas down on paper. This could be done in either Github, Google Docs, Overleaf, or similar services. Spatial Chat would also be available for those wanting a ‘room’ to discuss.







Code Sprint / Hackathon

Do you have existing software or supporting packages (e.g. Python, R) or web applications that need some TLC? Want to start development from scratch? Setup a project on Github and let the BLS7 team know about it. We’ll promote your project on the website and via Twitter to encourage collaborators to work with you in a sprint to meet your goals. The main collaboration space for this would be Github.








Training Workshops

The purpose of these workshops would be to promote and advance important skills associated with bio-logging research. Examples would include training in software or analysis packages, programming and use of advanced bio-logging devices. These sessions could be done within the BLS7 Spatial Chat platform or as a more public stream (e.g. Twitch, YouTube) 








Incubator Sessions

Incubator sessions would allow researchers to self-organize a series of talks and focussed discussion groups around a specialized topic. These might be fairly traditional to the in-person experience but moved to a virtual platform. These could also be smaller discussions that focus on especially challenging or controversial topics. For this, we would provide custom rooms within Spatial Chat.



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